Monday 9 February 2015

Elephant Poaching: An Out of Control Trade In An Out Of Control World

It just dawned on me that probably a number of you, my dear readers, may not be fully aware of how horrifically tragic the death of an elephant is to its family. As i had stated, elephants are emotional beings and their social balance depends much on well, their togetherness. So even one member of the herd is killed, its entire family will never be the same again. Unlike real human families who get through  tragic loss, elephants have a hard time 'putting Humpty Dumpty together again' so to speak.

Poaching is the biggest threat to elephants in this era. Its said that every fifteen minutes an elephant is killed in Africa. This means that poachers are killing these animals way more than there are being born! If this wasn't urgent before, it is now! Several organizations the world over are working to find ways of preventing this cruel trade. However, the fuel for this problem lies in corrupt ways and means. Now this is one fire that cannot be put out just by water!

The source of the demand for ivory is known yet nothing or rather nothing tangible has yet to be done. We might not be able to tap into this source but we can help reduce the act itself. Poaching is just like any other business. There are sellers and there are buyers. There are middlemen and there are investors. Then there are those who do the dirty job...the poachers! These are people like you and me looking to feed their families, all in a day's work. The only difference is that we can sleep at night knowing we haven't performed the heinous act. Right?...Wrong! These people just like us are looking for the easy way out. Out of where exactly you might ask?

The world is full of corrupt means and ways they say, but  where do you think it comes from? Them? Who's them? The governments? But isn't the government made up of people like you and me?  Pardon me if am being philosophical here but i believe the only way to fight heinous acts such as poaching lit by fires such as corruption is to tap the root and that is, gain. Isn't this whole war about material gain?

Power and wealth are two of the most sought for 'gains'. Everyone seeks to have either one or both of these. And as long as this 'war' for power and wealth is still ongoing, the battle is still on. The only way to save our dear elephants from tragic extinction lies in reaching from the source and working our way up. Tracking down and putting poachers behinds bars doesn't do away with the problem, it just postpones it. Have you asked yourself why there has been an increase in elephant poaching over the past few years, even with the ban of the trade over twenty years ago? Just as a rich man always seeks more riches, the trade for ivory will only increase unless completely abolished.

So who do we blame? The buyer or the seller, the middleman or investor? Or do we just speak in hashed tones and pretend we care because this issue does not affect us directly? Unfortunately it does. Ecosystems depends on the survival of this animal. We depend on these ecosystems. Thus its role in this world is not minimal at all.We have to stop this trade and we can do this simply through small acts of kindness. Spread the word. Sign a petition. Fund an organization. These may seem small, but they have moved mountains in the past.

Will you help me and many others stop this out of control trade despite our out of control world? :)

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