Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Anti- Poaching Rangers: Soldiers In Combat; The War Is Real

Odd title you might say...but what if i told you that rangers and soldiers are not all that different, only that their battles are. Rangers exist to fight poachers, soldiers fight for protection of a country. Now does it make sense? There's one problem though, both these men and women go through the same torturous battle but only one is geared up to survive. Know which one? That's right....the soldier!

Rangers go into battle everyday putting their lives in the line for the protection of our beloved wildlife but one thing remains...they are only to fire in self defense and as a last resort! Only in the likely scenario that a poacher pulls out fire is a ranger allowed to shoot back. They are to engage in pursuit and arrest, shooting them should only come second to none. Needless to say, killing another human being should never come is at the end of the day..murder and with it comes consequences. The death of even one poacher results in hard investigation by police putting strain on
the ranger that may lead to he or she always being on the defensive!

As i pointed out yesterday, poachers, just like rangers are men out to feed their families. They are just a small but crucial part of  highly organized crime networks which has made it all impossible to fight it! Just like a supply chain, poaching has to be fought from the root up! The ring leaders and brains behind these criminal activities are the real villains of the story! That's why bringing in poachers alive is crucial to every ranger because it means this chain can be tracked down and be fully abolished! If even one poacher is killed, an entire network might never be found and the battle is in vain!

Rangers face various difficulty in fact, these same wildlife they protect could at any moment turn on them! They also face harsh working conditions whenever they go out in battle. The temperatures may not be all favoring but they have to do their work tirelessly. Rangers endure torturous ordeals such as the encounter of mutilated bodies of the wildlife they so passionately protect. These encounters remind them of their shortcomings and can lead to feelings of anger and frustration. The worst kind of torture they undergo, just like a soldier, is the loss of a fellow ranger. The feeling of loss and helplessness bottled inside leads to post traumatic stress that if not addressed could lead to terminal conditions.

Many rangers have gone into the battle field never to arise again. Killed in the line of duty, these men and women leave behind loved ones. Some of their families face an unlikely future as death has robbed them of their bread winner. These and many other situations in the lives of these brave men and women are not to be taken lightly. It is because of their endless effort that endangered animals such as elephants live to see another day. With inadequate equipment, training or pay, these men and women in their pursuit for justice, battle this evil even unto death!

These men and women come to face with fear but put on the armour of courage for the protection of wildlife. They risk their lives and undergo strenuous levels of frustration but still face another day in the battle field. No amount of words can be said to these men and women to show our gratitude. We can only pray that they live to see another day. We can only help support the battle because the war is indeed real!

*Dedicated to the brave men and women in combat for the protection of wildlife.

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