Thursday 22 January 2015

The Elephant's Intelligence: Why They Are No Less 'Human'

In yesterday's post i talked about how the elephant never forgets, well, today we'll be talking about why this is. Research has proven that elephants are among the most intelligent animals alive. Some of those myths we saw yesterday may prove this true. For example, why do you think they bury their dead?

Little elephants in trunk greeting
Elephants have the largest brain of all land animals with a mass of about 5 kgs! In fact, they have as many neurons as a human brain! This gives them the ability to show human-like behaviours such as showing compassion, using tools, memory, learning, playing, language and cooperation. The fact that they are empathetic and emotional creatures supports these facts. Many times you might notice how elephants show emotion through caressing and doing a trunk greeting. Their altruistic nature has proven that they are selfless animals who look out for others other than themselves. There have been reported cases of elephants coming to the aid of distressed animals and humans too!

Elephant playing in water!
Elephants have also been known to return to waterholes that are hundreds of kilometres apart year after year! I mentioned too how they can remember people even after years of not seeing them! More so, elephants are ranked together with dolphins in problem solving abilities. A story is told of Asian elephants that stuff their bells with clay so they can sneak off to banana fields at night without being heard! Witty, ha? It is no doubt then that the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle thought greatly of these animals. He is quoted as saying this about elephants, 'the animal that surpasses all others in wit and mind'.

Elephants studying bones of a deceased
Elephants have been known to self-medicate by chewing on leaves  of a tree. This is mostly done by females to induce labour! Talk about being their own doctors! :) An even stranger thing these animals do is when one of their own is injured. They try to nurse and feed them until nothing more can be done. They don't give up easily and refuse to leave their sides even to the death! They then proceed to bury them and some have been seen standing next near the deceased for hours, a sign of mourning! They are often reported cases of elephants showing a keen interest in the bones of a deceased elephant even if they are unrelated.

An elephant playing football
An elephant looking in the mirror
Elephants are known to use their trunks as tools. Whether its removing the bark of a tree or digging a hole to drink water, they usually just know where and how to do it! They have also been known to mimic sounds they hear some of them human-like! Elephants like to play! These unique animals have been trained to play football and basketball too more so that its even played as a sport! Plus, like i previously pointed out, they like to play in the mud as well! These and the fact that they can recognise themselves in the mirror is a sight for sore eyes! :)

Ruby painting
Am sure you have also seen a video recently of an elephant painting another elephant! This elephant, Ruby gained recognition in the internet sparking a lot of interest as an artist! They say she chooses her own colours, holds the paint brushes in her trunk and proceeds to paint! If that doesn't awe you, i don't know what will! These creatures are downright amazing! They say, 'give credit where credit is due'. Right? :)

Upon reading all these amazing things about these animals, do you think in the sense of things, they're any less 'human'? Don't you have a little more respect for them? Perhaps this has been an eye-opener for you. Wouldn't you want to save them now, I know i would. :)

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