I've been going over and over in my mind on how i wanted this article to be. What words would i use to sum up the efforts done by so many people around the world who like me are passionate for these creatures? What would i say that has not yet been said about them? Truly, what can i say about people who put aside their fear, bundle up courage and daily go on the battle field to take care of these animals? I have always admired wildlife rangers. Now these people really bring to life Eleanor Roosevelt's words, " You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face..." I admire how in the face of danger they don't give up until the work is done. These are the men and women who in the face of elephants, are the true heroes and heroines.

These and many other organisations the world over selflessly offer their time, effort and money to the protection of these species. Sometimes their works bear fruit, sometimes not. They are resilient and do not give up for they know that they cannot rest until the plight of wildlife is no longer hopeless. I salute them. They are indeed, angels in disguise. :)